Thursday, May 15, 2008


there's nothing like having a nice tune in my head to motivate me during a long run. sometimes i run with headphones, but since i sweat a lot, i have typically avoided doing this. nevertheless, i have this i-pod shuffle thingy which is nice and lightweight (i remember the olden days, trying to run with a big-ass walkman or a discman) so i've been rocking out more often. i'd like to put together a mix of tracks for other folks, but i need to know how long to make it. so the question is: how long are your typical training runs? also, should i add warm-up/cool-down tracks?

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Ultimate Commando Experience

The boys' running skirt is also known as Ultimate Commando Experience or in the Scottish, the kilt. The high-end models come with donut storage.

Regarding your question about running pictures, Mary, well, the pictures of me from the Race for the Roses all feature extreme grimacing. I do not want to display them. How about a picture of Rowan instead?

Tuesday, May 6, 2008


Okay, let's talk gear. I could use advice. What are favorites?

At this point, my favorites include New Balance shoes, Balga socks and my Adidas running skirt. I highly highly recommend running skirts. I know Matt Clark loves his.

okay, so here it is:

This is the official blog of the Shagbark Hickories, the Hood to Coast team. Please check in to read and write about training, race results, lucky socks, blisters, nipplechafage, or just to heckle people. Nothing motivates like like getting dissed on a blog. So, get running!

Hood to Coast or bust

This is it, people. It's go time!